*➗Discovering the Joy of Sharing* ➗

*➗Discovering the Joy of Sharing* ➗ 💫💥 *The story of Atomy Korea Royal Master Boyoung Kim*  I know I'm inadequate, but let's not be disgraceful. That's my motto. Atomy is a business where anyone can succeed, even without any skills. Since I have a lot of shortcomings, I admit right away when I don't know something and try to learn. Likewise, when I am at fault, I apologize immediately. I have been able to work well with global partners and make it this far because I have done the Atomy business with this mindset. Before Atomy, I was a workaholic. I was very interested in marketing, so I ran my own store, worked part time for a large company, and did some business in Dongdaemun in the evenings. My current sponsor must have felt sorry for me because she gave me some Atomy HemoHIM. At first, I started the Atomy business by attending seminars. However, since I had to stay up all night working two jobs, I would sometimes doze off, and people would give me a loo...

Kenapa Atomy Hemohim Keren Buat Hampers

Kenapa HEMOHIM keren buat hampers❓

Kepada yang belum pernah dengar tentang #Hemohim , bole rujuk artikel Pub Med USA🇺🇸 Perpustakaan Medis

Satu website untuk info lanjut dan lebih pengetahuan tentang dunia perubatan.

HemoHIM ❤ memiliki total 13 Bab di Perpustakaan Perubatan Amerika🇺🇸:

Bab 1 (pernafasan)
Bab 2 (sumsum tulang)
Bab 3 (anti diabetes)
Bab IV (Percubaan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan)
Bab 5 (Sistem Imun / Hematopoiesis)
Bab 6 (Anti-obesitas)
Bab 7 (Meningkatkan down-regulation lanjutan dari respon imun seperti th1)
Bab 8 (radiasi/pengubatan tumor)
Bab 9 (anti radiasi)
Bab 10 (Meningkatkan Morfologi Ovarium)
Bab 11 (anti tumor)
Bab 12 (untuk kekebalan tingkat lanjut)
Bab 13 (Eksperimen anti-inflamasi)

Atomy Happy Global Team.


Atomy Happy Global Team. 


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