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*➗Discovering the Joy of Sharing* ➗

*➗Discovering the Joy of Sharing* ➗ 💫💥 *The story of Atomy Korea Royal Master Boyoung Kim*  I know I'm inadequate, but let's not be disgraceful. That's my motto. Atomy is a business where anyone can succeed, even without any skills. Since I have a lot of shortcomings, I admit right away when I don't know something and try to learn. Likewise, when I am at fault, I apologize immediately. I have been able to work well with global partners and make it this far because I have done the Atomy business with this mindset. Before Atomy, I was a workaholic. I was very interested in marketing, so I ran my own store, worked part time for a large company, and did some business in Dongdaemun in the evenings. My current sponsor must have felt sorry for me because she gave me some Atomy HemoHIM. At first, I started the Atomy business by attending seminars. However, since I had to stay up all night working two jobs, I would sometimes doze off, and people would give me a loo...

Ketahui Asal Usul Hemohim

Ketahui Asal Usul ATOMY! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Siapakah Mr Han Gill Park? CEO ATOMY,  Mr Han Gill Park pernah didiagnosis menderita kanker hati tahap 4 dan kencing manis (diabetes) yang serius.  Pada masa itu, doa Mr Han Gill Park telah terkabul. Beliau telah diperkenalkan dengan produk HEMOHIM oleh kawan-kawannya yg berkerja sebagai ilmuwan terkemuka di KAERI (Korean Atomic Energy Research Institue), sebuah lembaga penelitan tenaga nuklir yg dimiliki pemerintahan di Korea Selatan, kedua terbesar di dunia.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dan setelah mengonsumsi HEMOHIM selama beberapa tahun, akhirnya Mr Han Gill Park sembuh dari penyakitnya.  Pada suatu hari ketika Mr Han Gill Park sedang menonton berita di TV, beliau mengetahui bahwa KAERI telah menemukan metode berteknologi tinggi untuk memproduksi kosmetik dari bahan-bahan herbal segar melalui proses penyulingan dengan teknologi tinggi dan 100 ...

Atomy Hemohim Herbal

ATOMY HemoHIM Herbal 1 set 60 Sachet @20 ml Atomy dalah nama perusahaan e-commerce ternama dari Korea kini hadir di Indonesia. Produk2 yg berkualitas dgn harga yg cukup terjangkau. ATOMY HemoHIM terbuat dari bahan2 Herbal yang efektif membangun Imun anda. HemoHIM terbuat dari campuran Ekstrak Herbal yang membantu sistem kekebalan tubuh.  HemoHIM adalah suplemen Herbal berbentuk cairan sangat baik utk kesehatan dgn mutu yg sangat berkualitas membantu membangun sistem kekebalan tubuh, menjaga stamina, anti kanker dan sangat efektif utk mencegah berbagai infeksi.  HemoHIM telah diakui mutu dan kualitasnya oleh Departemen Kesehatan di Korea dan dipastikan sebagai suplemen kesehatan yang efektif karena manfaatnya sehubungan dgn kandungan zat yang ada didalamnya.  HemoHIM dijamin 100% Mengandung Ekstrak Bahan Herbal Complex Alami tanpa bahan dan zat berbahaya untuk tubuh kita. Diakui di Amerika Serikat, 4 negara besar di Eropa, se...

Kenapa Atomy Hemohim Keren Buat Hampers

Kenapa HEMOHIM keren buat hampers❓ Kepada yang belum pernah dengar tentang #Hemohim , bole rujuk artikel Pub Med USA🇺🇸 Perpustakaan Medis Satu website untuk info lanjut dan lebih pengetahuan tentang dunia perubatan. ️ HemoHIM ❤ memiliki total 13 Bab di Perpustakaan Perubatan Amerika🇺🇸: Bab 1 (pernafasan) Bab 2 (sumsum tulang) Bab 3 (anti diabetes) Bab IV (Percubaan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan) Bab 5 (Sistem Imun / Hematopoiesis) Bab 6 (Anti-obesitas) Bab 7 (Meningkatkan down-regulation lanjutan dari respon imun seperti th1) Bab 8 (radiasi/pengubatan tumor) Bab 9 (anti radiasi) Bab 10 (Meningkatkan Morfologi Ovarium) Bab 11 (anti tumor) Bab 12 (untuk kekebalan tingkat lanjut) Bab 13 (Eksperimen anti-inflamasi) Atomy Happy Global Team. #Hemohim #cancer #kanker #tumor #herbal #atomyproducts #pubmed #Atomyhemohim #Atomyglobal #Atomyhappygl...

Atomy Hemohim Testimoni Kanker Paru

Teman2 sy mau share ttg hemohim, sy punya teman sakit kanker paru-paru, sebelum dia menjalani kemoterapi sy memperkenalkan hemohim kepada nya dan dia manjawab nanti, lalu beberapa waktu kemudian dia menjalani kemoterapi ke 1 kondisinya drop ga bisa bangun, dia menghubungi sy dan minta di pesankan hemohim, kemudian dia minum 2×1 sachet, setelah 3 minggu minum hemohim kondisi mulai membaik dan bisa beraktivitas lagi, lalu lanjut kemoterapi yg ke 2, kondisi tetap bisa beraktivitas bahkan bisa jaga toko sungguh luar biasa hemohim, akhirnya dia menyelesaikan kemoterapi yg ke 6, dan uda kontrol ulang dan dokter onk paru menyatakan sudah bersih. Skr dia minum hemohim dan obat dokter, kondisi nya sangat bagus, tidak kelihatan seperi orang sakit segar bugar, hemohim luar biasa 👍👍👍 Minat info Hemohim Chat me Miss. Lydia Website Atomy Indonesia Atomy Happy Global Team. #Atomyhemohim #Atomy #Hemohim #Obatkankerparu #Obatkanker #Obatmio...

The Flagship Product Of Atomy Is Hemohim

The flagship product of Atomy is Hemohim.  This has been proven to work well with people on chemo or radiation due to cancer.  Why? Because the two procedures kill both good and bad cells. Hemohim helps the patient recover from this very aggressive treatment therapy.  My friend's experience: I have a friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He took 6 packets of hemohim daily while doing chemo. He also took Atomy's probiotics. He started last October.  Today, after 6 months, his tumor is down to 1cm from 4cm. His liver has no lesions whatsoever. He praises God for the gift of life and for finding a product that helped him recover.  We all know that pancreatic cancer is deadly and spreads fast. I am glad that my friend trusted our product.  It is not easy to introduce unconventional products to people we care for, but we need to take a chance because we want to help. With positive attitude, discipline,  good nutrition, and fai...

Atomy Hemohim

CTTO Check how amazing  the  miracle  food supplements is.  ☀️   ATOMY  HEMOHIM ☀️ Benefits of HemoHIM: *Cold Symptoms *High Blood Pressure *Joint Pain *Diabetes *Weight Loss *Constipation *Anemia *Insomia *Chronic Fatigue *People going through Chemotherapy • Strengthen the immune system's natural functioning to fight various chronic diseases • increase stamina as well as to improve general health for everybody • NK cell activation - An immune cell which is generated in the human bone marrow to destruct harmful substances to the human body. NK cells can eat cancer cells • produce more white blood cell, produce more red blood cell • Immunity enhancement - Enhances immunity to maintain health • Immune cell activation - Improves human body defense capacity WHAT DOES HemoHIM NAME MEAN? • Hemo is short for hemoglobin. • H is an abbreviation for hematopoiesis (production of blood cells) • I is an abbreviati...

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Peluang Bisnis dari Atomy

Atomy Derma Real Cica Set

Atomy Hemohim By. Dr. Lin Tze Min (Mandarin)