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*➗Discovering the Joy of Sharing* ➗

*➗Discovering the Joy of Sharing* ➗ 💫💥 *The story of Atomy Korea Royal Master Boyoung Kim*  I know I'm inadequate, but let's not be disgraceful. That's my motto. Atomy is a business where anyone can succeed, even without any skills. Since I have a lot of shortcomings, I admit right away when I don't know something and try to learn. Likewise, when I am at fault, I apologize immediately. I have been able to work well with global partners and make it this far because I have done the Atomy business with this mindset. Before Atomy, I was a workaholic. I was very interested in marketing, so I ran my own store, worked part time for a large company, and did some business in Dongdaemun in the evenings. My current sponsor must have felt sorry for me because she gave me some Atomy HemoHIM. At first, I started the Atomy business by attending seminars. However, since I had to stay up all night working two jobs, I would sometimes doze off, and people would give me a loo...

Atomy The Fame

Be good to your skin, you'll wear it everyday for the rest of your life. Have unending beauty with Atomy The Fame. Atomy The Fame comes with: 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 (𝟏𝟓𝟎𝐦𝐥) Provides immediate moisture and calms the skin 𝐄𝐲𝐞-𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝟒𝟎𝐦𝐥) Anti-wrinkle and protects skin delicate skin around the eye area 𝐄𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝟓𝟎𝐦𝐥) Highly concentrated goodness that can penetrates into deep layers of the skin very quickly 𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝟏𝟑𝟓𝐦𝐥) Takes care of the oil and moisture balance of the skin 𝐍𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝟓𝟎𝐦𝐥) Seal in all the above goodness by preventing them from escaping. This nutrition cream firms skin and gives skin more elasticity Available in set and individuals. ✨ Skinvest now! #Atomyfame #Atomyproduct #Atomyskincare #Atomyhappyglobalteam #Atomyglobal #Atomy #Atomyph #Atomyphilippines #Atomycare #Atomy #Skincare Atomy Happy Global Team. Join Atomy Member With Us Atomy Happy Global Team.

Atomy BB Cream (English)

Atomy BB Cream💁🏻 Famous multitasking beauty product in Asia, BB cream works as a tinted moisturizer for even complexion.  No need for compact powder  ✅Anti-aging ✅Moisturizing ✅Cover skin blemishes ✅Cover uneven skin tone ✅SPF 30 PA ++ 🌟It is a double functional product for whitening and UV screening functions. Protects skin from harmful external elements and keeps the skin clean and clear. 🔅Main Ingredients🔅 Among various herbal materials that have been used for several thousands of years as well as grains, the materials of which efficacies were approved also by modern science were selected.  🖤Black Yeast Beta-glucan  Developed black yeast beta-glucan, a natural moisturizing factor by fermenting grains, with proprietary technologies. yeast beta-glucan maintains health to skin, to safeguard against harmful factors through skin moisturizing reinforcement.  🧡Phellinus linteus rice  A crystallized technolo...

Atomy Premium Eye Lutein (English)

Is Lutein supplement good for eyes? 🫣 Time to educate your love ones with these 5 Reasons why Lutein supplement is beneficial for eyes, and highly recommended to add as your "Must Have Health Supplement" 🙌 , 🛍️ #Atomyeyelutein #Atomylutein #Atomyproduct #Atomyhappyglobalteam #Atomyglobal #Atomyindonesia #Atomymalaysia #Atomysingapore #Atomychina #Atomytaiwan #Atomyhongkong #Atomycambodia #Atomyvietnam #Atomyrusia #Atomykazakhstan #Atomyjapan #Atomykorea #Atomyeu #Atomyuk #Atomyus #Atomybrasil #Atomymexico #Eyelutein #Atomy Join Atomy Member With Us Atomy Happy Global Team. Atomy Happy Global Team.

Atomy Homme (Spain)

🔵 SUPER ÉNERGIE & HYDRATANT POUR LES HOMMES 🔵  TONER + ESSENCE + ÉMULSION et CRÈME.   (ATOMY Homme Tout En Un Énergisant )  COMPLEXE Pour Le Soin De La Peau Masculine Dans Un Flacon :  Le COMPLEXE Régénérant D'herbes Biologiques Améliore Le Teint De La Peau Et Soulage Les Irritations.  Les Ingrédients Botaniques Réduisent Les Rides Et Illuminent La Peau.  La Double Essence , Qui Comprend Un Gel bBleu Et Une Crème Blanche , Hydrate Instantanément , Pénètre Rapidement Au Contact De La Peau , Rafraîchit Sans Laisser De Sensation De Collant Et Restaure L'équilibre Hydro-lipidique De La Peau.  CONVIENT AUX PEAUX SENSIBLES.  Les Ingrédients Respectueux De L'environnement N'irritent PAS La Peau Des Hommes , Ont Un Effet Calmant.  SENTIR :  Des Notes Douces Et Rafraîchissantes D'agrumes , Une Variété De Fleurs Et De Bois Purs.  COMPLEXE Revitalisant D'herb...

Atomy Lash Power Mascara (China)

Atomy Lash Power Mascara 一款用着用着睫毛越来越浓密的睫毛膏 安全无害 无刺激性 不会有刺痛感; 睫毛不会变硬、不结块; 睫毛膏干燥后不黏眼皮,不怕汗、泪水、雨水的浸湿。💦 艾多美可水洗不结块、防水睫毛膏与其他牌子与众不同的是: 含30%以上的🌹玫瑰水代替蒸馏水,还有珍贵的✨珍珠粉、🌫蚕丝蛋白等供给睫毛的营养! 45度温水卸妆技术,轻松卸妆、不晕染、柔软有性,刷起来非常滑顺。 刷多次也不会结块,可以创造根根分明的漂亮睫毛 ,纤长肯定适合睫毛特别短的;浓密就适合睫毛稀疏的。如果纤长➕浓密,效果会更好,没用睫毛夹就能有卷翘的效果喔! #ATOMYLongLashPowerMascara #Atomyproduct #Atomyskincare #Atomycare #Atomyhappyglobalteam #Atomychina #Atomyhongkong #Atomytaiwan #Atomyvietnam #Atomycambodia #Atomythailand #Atomymalaysia #Atomysingapore #Atomykorea #Atomyjapan #Atomy Join Member With Us Atomy Happy Global Team. Atomy Happy Global Team.

Atomy Adelica IF Design Award 2022 Winner (China)

Atomy 2022年 5月 20日 艾多美成功学院,宣布Atomy Adelica获得了德国IF DESIGN AWARD 2022设计大奖 Atomy专门为亚洲人打造的l 适合亚洲人皮肤色泽的一款顶尖化妆品! Atomy ȧdelica彩妆的概念低调的奢华。 它是从法文délicat构思而来的,意为“精致”,“优雅”,“别致”和“细致”💋 💗 艾多美 瘦脸修容组 💗 艾多美 腮红组 💗 艾多美 3D 立体颜彩组 💗 艾多美 遮瑕膏 1️⃣ 艾多美 眼影组 2️⃣ 艾多美 染眉膏 3️⃣ 艾多美 眉笔 4️⃣ 艾多美 眼线笔 5️⃣ 艾多美 浓密睫毛膏 6️⃣ 艾多美 纤长睫毛膏 7️⃣ 艾多美 防水睫毛膏 8️⃣ 艾多美 粉润唇膏 Adelica彩妆套组 一套8件: 5色眼影盘|腮红|高光|修容|眉笔|眼线笔|睫毛膏|彩色唇油 4 Color Range 四个色系: Set 1: Intellectual Brown Set 2: Lovely Daily Coral Set 3: Vintage Olive Set 4: Cashmere Burgundy 一套8件,样样齐全与ȧdelica一起寻找新的自我! #Atomyskincare #Atomycare #Atomyproduct #Atomyhappyglobalteam #Atomyadelica #Atomyhappyglobalteam #Atomyglobal #Atomychina #Atomymalaysia #Atomytaiwan #Atomyhongkong #Atomyvietnam #Atomycambodia #Atomythailand #Atomyindonesia #Atomysingapore #Atomyjapan #Atomykorea #Atomy Join Member With Us Atomy Ha...

Atomy rTG Omega 3 (China)

韩国官网 ​ ​新品 🇰🇷【艾多美 rTG鱼油 Atomy rTG Omega 3】 即将上架😍 👉 高浓度的 Omega-3,浓度超过70%-80%以上,不同于一般鱼油只有30% 👉 高吸收率的rTG形态,rTG形态透过超临界萃取,除了品质更稳定,吸收率、浓度更好 👉 2颗胶囊 (1,020mg) 含有600mg (60%) EPA和DHA, 维生素 E 3.3 毫克 a-TE (30%) 👉 迷你好吞无腥味—产品小颗好吞,不管大人小孩都适用,且特别加工萃取无腥味 🤓 帮大家科普一下, ️⭕ TG(三酸甘油脂)型:是萃取鱼的皮下脂肪,稍微精炼去除杂质,仍保持原本的三酸甘油脂型(TG-form),这类鱼油的EPA+DHA的浓度约30%,价格普通。但吸收度高。#纯度最低吸收率高 ⭕ EE(乙酯)型:萃取出鱼油后再经分子蒸馏法酯化,将甘油分子以乙醇替换,分离出其中的多元不饱和脂肪酸及环境毒素,为酯化型鱼油(EE-form),EPA+DHA浓度可高到50-70%,价格较高。#纯度提高吸收率较低 ⭕ rTG型:部分厂商会将EE form之鱼油重新酯化成rTG form,使高浓度之EPA+DHA能更有效被吸收。 EPA+DHA仍可维持50-70%的高浓度,因加工程序多,价格最高。#纯度最高吸收率高 👉 什么是 rTG Omega 3? rTG omega 3 是一种 omega 3,它通过采用最新技术减少杂质和饱和脂肪,具有高纯度和增加体内吸收的能力。 它有助于不饱和脂肪酸的吸收,这些不饱和脂肪酸是人体必需的,但在我们体内不能充分合成,必须从外部消耗。 ▪️含有EPA和DHA ㅡ改善血液甘油三酯,改善血液循环,改善眼睛干涩,有助于眼睛健康 ▪️维生素E ㅡ作为抗氧化剂保护细胞免受有害氧气的影响 现在艾多美有3款不同形式鱼油🤗 ✔️鱼油 Omega3 (基本款):属于EE型 ✔️素食者能服用的海藻油:属于TG型 ✔️即将上市的是 rTG型 是顶级的高浓度好吸收 👉  鱼油的建议摄取量 虽然不同的国际组织所推荐的EPA和DHA摄取数量不尽相同,但是大多数Omega-3专家建议:成年人每天应该摄取至少250毫克的EPA和DHA,以维持身体健康。 联合国粮食及...

Atomy Rhodiola Milk Thistle (India)

☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ 🌹Atomy Rhodiola Milk Thistle🌹 ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ इस जमाने में अंधाधुंध काम और बाकी आधुनिक लोग अक्सर लीवर को काफी नुकसान पहुंचाते हैं। मानव इस समय बड़ी मछली, बड़ा मांस, धूम्रपान, शराब पीना, कम व्यायाम करना, देर तक जागना, तनाव और अधिक मेलजोल करना आदि कार्यों में ज्यादा व्यस्त है। कृपया अपने स्वास्थ्य देखभाल उत्पादों की सूची में लीवर सुरक्षा के लिये एटमी का Rhodiola Milk Thistle टैबलेट को अपनी रोजमर्रा की ज़िंदगी में लेना शामिल करें। ️💪 खुद से प्यार करना परिवार से प्यार करने के बराबर है। मुख्य सामग्री: इसके प्रयोग करने से मुख्य रूप से नींद में सुधार, रक्त परिसंचरण को बढ़ावा देने, मस्तिष्क-विरोधी हाइपोक्सिया, थकान, रक्तस्राव को रोकने के लिए, रक्त को सक्रिय करने, फेफड़ों को साफ करने और खांसी से राहत, ठहराव और सूजन से राहत, बुखार से राहत और बुखार को कम करने, जीवन शक्ति और अन्य प्रभावों को कम करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। दुग्ध रोम-- इसका मुख्य प्रभाव हेपेटाइटिस और लीवर सिरोसिस, अल्कोहलिक लीवर डिसफंक्शन आदि में सुधार करता है। अन्य एंटी-ऑक...

Atomy Omega (Vietnam)

❤❤Atomy Alaska E OMEGA 3 ( ATOMY) Dùng trong 3 tháng giá hợp lý❤️ Công dụng của Atomy Alaska E OMEGA 3 - Hạn chế cholesterol, xơ cứng động mạch và phòng ngừa các bệnh tim mạch - Nuôi dưỡng các tế bào khỏe mạnh, hạn chế sự phát triển của các tế bào dư thừa đột biến thành khối u. Ngăn chặn hiệu quả 3 dạng ung thư phổ biến: ung thư vú, đại tràng, tuyến tiền liệt. - Hỗ trợ giảm cân - Omega 3 giúp bảo vệ mắt không bị thoái hóa hoàng điểm và giảm nguy cơ mắc hội chứng khô mắt. - Dầu cá giúp giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh Alzehimer, sa sút trí tuệ và tậm thần phân liệt. - Omega 3 giúp giữ độ ẩm trong tế bào da, sản sinh collagen, hạn chế nếp nhăn và giữ cho bạn luôn tươi trẻ. Hàm lượng protein trong dầu cá giúp tóc phát triển và duy trì mái tóc khỏe mạnh, mượt mà. - Giúp duy trì sự cân bằng khoáng chất trong xương và các mô cho xương chắc khỏe. - Tốt cho thai kỳ, hỗ trợ DHA trong dầu cá cho sự phát triển mắt, não của thai nhi. - Dầu cá hữu hiệu trong việc...

Atomy Absolute Reset Balm (Espanol)

🔥 NOUVEAUTÉ 🔥 Soins Anti-âge En Un SEUL Geste ! ✨ BAUME RÉINITIALISATION ABSOLUE ATOMY !  Il S'agit D'un Stick Hydratant Anti-rides Extensible Tout-en-un Du Célèbre Ligne Anti-âge ABSOLUT CellAktiv! Le Baume Contient Le codes Anti-âge CellActive , A Un Effet Rajeunissant Et Lissant , Et Peut Êtretre Appliqué Fréquemment Sur Les Zones Qui Nécessitent De L'attention Et Des SOINS. ✔️ Confirmé Pour Réduire Les Rides D'environ 16,3 %. ✔️  Selon Les Avis , Le Résultat Après Application Est PERCEPTIBLE Au Bout De 15 minutes. ✔️  Contient D'excellents Ingrédients Naturels À Effet Anti-âge. ✔️ Illumine Et Améliore Le Teint De La Peau . ⠀ Des Ingrédients Naturels Tels Que Le Beurre De Karité , L'huile De Tournesol Et L'huile De  Ricin... Gardent La Peau Hydratée Et Saine . ⠀ POLYMER High FIX Forme Un Film Hydratant Qui Adhère Étroitement À La Peau , Procurant Une Hydratation Longue Du...

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Peluang Bisnis dari Atomy

Atomy Derma Real Cica Set

Atomy Hemohim By. Dr. Lin Tze Min (Mandarin)